Unusual Cleaning Hacks You Will Wish You Had Known Sooner

best home cleaning hacks

Sometimes, the best cleaning products are the ones you already have in your household. You just didn’t know it, until now. 😉

All the hacks on this list will definitely save you a lot of time and energy. Some tips on this list are mind-blowing, even for me when I tried it ‘cause it really works like magic!

Here are some of the BEST cleaning hacks that will make you say, “I wish I’ve known that sooner.”.


Toilet Cleaner: The acidity in Coke is high enough that it can remove toilet rust rings. Just pour the cola on the toilet bowl and let it sit for an hour before scrubbing it.

Stain Remover: Expensive stain remover is now a thing of the past, thanks to this powerful soda. Just pour the Coke down along with the detergent powder into the washing machine.

VODKA (Yes. Vodka.)

Multipurpose Cleaner: Because of its alcohol content, vodka is an excellent disinfectant cleaner. You can use it to clean your windows, bathroom, and kitchen.

Stinky Shoes: Spray vodka in the shoes to remove the odor.


Cat Pee: If you’re a cat lady like me, then this one’s for you. If you have cats that just pee anywhere, spray the area with 1 cup water with 3 tbsp of mouthwash. Cats don’t like the minty smell, so that will make them stop from peeing on those areas again.

Hand Sanitizer: Mouthwash is also good at removing the strong smell of garlic or onion. Just rub it on your hands as you do with hand sanitizers.

LEMON KOOL-AID (Because there’s a need for another lemon hack.)

Dishwasher: Just put a  packet into where you put the detergent powder then run on the regular cycle.

Washing Machine: Follow the same instructions used to clean the dishwasher.


Wine Stain Remover: Red wine stain is such a pain in the ass. But guess what? You can use white wine to solve that problem. Just pour the white wine into the stain to dilute it. Then soak it up with water.

Fruit and Vegetable Cleaner: Wine has several types of properties that are microbial and can kill several types of foodborne pathogens that can be found in fruits and vegetables.  


  • Remove lipstick stains with rubbing alcohol. Apply rubbing alcohol in a towel then dab it on the stain.
  • Start polishing your glassware with potato skins. Rub the potato skin onto the glass to remove water stains and grimes.
  • Place activated charcoal in the fridge to remove nasty smells.
  • For pet lovers, fur shedding is one of the most challenging things to get rid of. Use a rubber squeegee to scrape your pet’s hair off of any surface.

Make sure to try these hacks and be amazed by how great they work! There is still some on this list that I have yet to try. And I can’t wait to see the results! If you have any other cleaning hacks that you think I should hear about, drop a comment below. 🙂

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