How to Become a Wine Expert Using Your Mobile Phone

Check out some readily available resources that have helped me become much more knowledgable and confident in the world of wine.

Wine, for a lot of us, is more than just a drink. It can be somewhat of a hobby or passion. If like me, you share this feeling, you may also feel yourself being overwhelmed while trying to learn the intricacies of the wine world. There is just so much to learn. From which wine goes with what food and then down to which glass to put it in. It can become very confusing, very quick. None of us like to look dull when entertaining friends. In this blog post, I am going to share with you some readily available resources that have helped me become much more knowledgable and confident in the world of wine. Not only will I be sharing ways to help you become more knowledgable but also some fun new ways to buy and discover some new wines.

Wine Dictionary by Franklin Harper

This wine dictionary is an excellent place to start on your wine educational journey. It is pretty much exactly like it sounds. With over 900 searchable words and definitions in plain English.  I personally love the phonetic spelling of all the foreign words, this has saved me from embarrassment more than a few times. It also is an excellent resource on which grapes are in each type of wine and where they are traditionally grown.

Delectable Wine

In recent years the selection of wines at your local store has exploded with choices. Trying to find the right one can leave you feeling lost. I hate spending more time shopping than necessary only to come home and sit down to a mediocre bottle of wine. With Delectable, those days are gone. With this app, you simply take a picture of the label and instantly have reviews from not only people like yourself but pros and experts too. You can also leave reviews yourself and keep track of the wines you have tried. They also have the option of buying directly from your phone, but I have yet to test this feature.

Wine Picker App

Wondering what wine to serve for your next dinner party? Well, this is the app for you. With Wine Picker, you can conveniently see pairings from your phone at the supermarket or your favorite restaurant. They also have integrated many restaurants’ wine lists. You can simply tell them where you are eating, your budget and preferences and then get recommendations from the restaurant’s in-house wine list. This is truly a great way to take a night out to the next level.

Subscription Package

Subscription plans are a great way to try some new wines that you may not have considered before. Most start off with a questionnaire to help them learn your preferences. While others can be more basic, as in red or white. They typically come every month or quarter and can vary significantly in price. I am not going to go deep in comparing these plans. As I am still enjoying some “market research.” Stay tuned though because I will have an article going more in-depth to specific subscription plans soon.

No matter what your skill level is or where you want it to be. I think with these few handy Apps, you are well on your way to becoming a pro or at least looking like one.

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