What Does Organic Mean?

What Does Organic Mean?

Organic labels often feature on many products, from fruit and vegetables to CBD and sea moss. Yet, you might be unsure what it means and if it’s worth your time and money. Rather than making an uninformed decision when buying a product online or from a store, you should do a little research to ensure you make the best choice for your needs. Continue reading to learn what organic means.

The Definition of Organic

In simple terms, organic products strive toward socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable production processes. For instance, the produce is grown and processed without the use of pesticides, man-made fertilizers, livestock feed additives, or growth regulators. Also, it will follow guidelines for animal raising, soil quality, weed and pest control, and more. For a product to be organic, it must only be produced from natural substances and shouldn’t feature any genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

What are Examples of Organic Products?

Many naturally grown products can be labeled organic, such as fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs, and milk. However, organic products aren’t restricted to items you can pick up from a grocery store or a local farmer’s market. For instance, you could buy organic sea moss from organicrelief.co.uk, which is grown along the Atlantic coasts and contains natural minerals.

What Does the Organic Label Mean?

An organic label indicates a food or capsule is made from at least 95% plants or animals and follows various production laws. As a result, the product has likely been approved as organic by an organic certification body and experienced regular production method inspections.

Why Do People Choose Organic Products?

There are many reasons why people choose organic products over non-organic items. For example, many people will want to consume items without chemical residues. Also, it will ensure the products deliver a fresher, more natural taste to enhance their meals, snacks, or items. If the above isn’t enough, organic products will protect animal welfare and are much kinder to the environment.

What’s the Difference Between Organic and Non-Organic?

There are some obvious and subtle differences between organic and non-organic products. For instance, when buying fruit and vegetables, organic produce will look different from non-organic, as the latter will resemble options that could grow on a tree in your garden and have varying shapes.

Non-organic products might look almost perfect due to the use of artificial fertilizers and chemicals. Also, organic items are often higher in price due to low crop yields, more thorough farming practices, and adherence to strict government regulations.


As organic products use ethical production methods, support the environment, and protect the welfare of various animals, it is always wise to choose organic products over non-organic items.

While it is often a little more expensive to buy, it will provide peace of mind that the item you buy follows strict production practices and is primarily made of natural ingredients free from chemical residues. For this reason, you should always check the label of various products for the organic label, which will make you feel more confident in its environmentally responsible processes and natural taste.

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