What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

If you're trying to figure out the source of tooth discomfort, click here to explore a variety of surprising causes of sensitive teeth.

We’re used to our occasional aches and tooth pains, and a little tooth sensitivity every now and again is no problem. But if your teeth are painful on a daily basis, things aren’t quite so simple.

You may have heard the term ‘sensitive teeth’ before and thought it was normal or even part of having nice teeth. But if you’re increasingly struggling to eat or drink with comfort, it’s worth doing something about it. What causes sensitive teeth? And how can you fix it?

Read on for all you need to know about sensitive teeth and how to remedy the problem.

From Aches to Zingers: The Most Common Causes of Sensitive Teeth

When you have sensitive teeth, even the simplest things – like drinking a cold glass of water or eating ice cream – can be painful. What causes this? Sensitive teeth can be the result of several things, including:

Worn Tooth Enamel

When the enamel is worn down, it exposes the dentin, which is the layer underneath the enamel. The dentin is filled with microscopic channels that lead to the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. When the dentin is exposed, the nerves in the pulp are stimulated, and this can cause sensitivity.

Worn enamel can be caused by many things, including brushing too hard, acidic food and drinks, teeth grinding, and aging.

Cracked Teeth

Cracks can occur in teeth for many reasons, including trauma, chewing hard foods, and grinding your teeth. A crack in your tooth can lead to sensitive teeth because it exposes the root of your tooth. When the root is exposed, it is more susceptible to temperature changes and can be very sensitive to hot and cold foods and drinks.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common cause of sensitive teeth. When the gums are inflamed, they can pull away from the teeth and leave the roots exposed. This can make the teeth sensitive to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. Treatment for gum disease can help to reduce sensitivity.

Tooth Decay

There are many things that can cause sensitive teeth, but the most common cause is tooth decay. When tooth decay occurs, it creates a hole in the tooth that can expose the nerve, which is what causes the pain.

Tooth decay can be caused by poor oral hygiene and poor diet.  It’s important to go to professionals if you have questions about dental services that can help fix tooth sensitivity.

Brushing Too Hard

When you brush your teeth too hard, it can wear down the enamel and make the dentin more exposed. This can lead to the nerves in your teeth becoming more exposed and causing you to feel more pain.

If you have sensitive teeth, it is important to brush gently and not put too much pressure on your teeth. You should also use toothpaste that is designed for sensitive teeth.

Determining the “Root” Cause

If you are experiencing sensitive teeth, it is important to consult with a dentist to find the underlying cause. There are many potential causes of sensitive teeth, including tooth decay, gum disease, exposed tooth roots, and worn tooth enamel. Once the cause is determined, your dentist can recommend the best course of treatment to relieve your discomfort and protect your teeth.

If you found this article helpful, read more of our content on dental care and other health issues.

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