How to Protect Your Home From Invasion: An Essential Guide

Home invasion is a reality, so what can you do to prevent it? This essential guide explains how to protect your home from invasion.

Do you ever worry that your home may be broken into? Does the fear of a burglar keep you up at night?

Given that over a million home invasions occur each year, leading to billions of dollars of property damage and loss, the fear is very understandable. And it can be even worse if you have kids at home, or if you travel frequently, leaving your family for days or even weeks at a time.

Wondering how to protect your home from invasion? Luckily, we live at a time where we have many tools at our disposal to keep our homes safe.

From a home alarm system to cameras and other helpful tools, you can easily keep your home safe. And you can sleep peacefully at night, wherever you are, knowing that your family will be protected.

Ready to learn how to protect your home from intruders? Keep reading for all the home security tips you need to know about.

Home Alarms

One of the most common security systems available is a home alarm system. Sensors can be added to windows and doors and connected to a wall monitor somewhere inside your home.

If the alarm is on, it will notify you any time a door or window opens. You can also set an alarm at night, or when away from home, so that a passcode is required to turn the alarm off.

If the alarm isn’t disarmed after a set period of time, it can notify your security provider in order to inform the authorities of a break-in. Smart systems like these from Verisure House Alarms can also connect with an app on your phone to provide real-time updates while you are away as well.

Home Cameras

Home cameras are also commonly used as part of an overall home security system. You can have cameras mounted above all exterior doors, as well as on all sides of your home.

This way, every angle of your home is covered. Depending on the cameras you install, they can alert you if motion is detected.

Many homeowners with long driveways will also install a camera somewhere along their driveway to see if unwanted vehicles of passersby enter the property.

And of course, a doorbell camera is a great modern tool. These cameras can connect with your phone, allowing you to see your front door in real-time. So if a doorbell rings, you can see precisely who it is, whether you are at home or 1,000 miles away on vacation.

How to Protect Your Home From Invasion; Signage

Never overlook the small details. Even things as simple as yard and window signs can deter criminals. If you have a security system in place, make sure you have a yard sign up near your front door or driveway letting everyone know.

If criminals know that an alarm will sound upon breaking into your home, they will most likely pass it up. You can also have window decals placed on various windows around your home, deterring predators looking for another way into the home.

Better Locks

Want to really know how to protect your home from burglars? Install new, modern locks on all exterior doors. If your home is old, you likely have old door knows and easy-to-crack locks.

Experienced thieves know how to get through old, weak locks quickly. If you want to fend off invasions, invest in quality locks.

Also, don’t hide a key under the mat. Burglars know every trick and will look in all the common places for a spare key. If you need people to access your home while you are away, get a smart lock that can be opened with a passcode or with an app on your phone.

Keep a Light On

Almost all criminals would prefer to break into a home that is empty. They don’t want to fight, especially since they don’t know if the homeowner is armed.

If it looks like someone is home and awake, it can help prevent break-ins. You should leave a light on inside the home through the night, and while you are gone for a few days.

Make sure to close the blinds or curtains, so that they can’t look into the house to confirm if it’s empty or not. You can choose a dedicated home light to leave on during these times. Get a high-quality LED light bulb that will last a long time and use very little power.

There are other signs that invaders look for when choosing a home to break into. One is a full mailbox. If it looks like you haven’t collected your mail in days or weeks, that could signal to a burglar that you are away from home.

Motion Sensor Lighting

Thieves do not like to be in the light. They operate in the darkness when no one can see them.

If you don’t like leaving porch lights on all night, you can install motion-activated floodlights. These will stay off until a sensor detects motion. As soon as motion is detected, they will shine brightly until motion ceases for a period of time.

The only bummer is that harsh weather or animals can also activate these lights. While it’s not an issue, those who are generally anxious may see them turn on while they are at home and begin to fear, albeit unnecessarily.

Keep Valuables Out of Sight

Don’t make your home look light it’s worth breaking into. This means keeping valuables out of sight. Don’t leave expensive bikes out in the driveway, or a brand new grill in the yard for all to see.

Keep these items tucked further back so they aren’t visible from the street. If criminals see one or two valuable objects, they’ll know there are likely other valuables inside the home or garage too.

Upgrade Windows and Doors

Another way to keep your home safe and secure is by installing new windows and doors. If your current windows and doors are over 10 years old, they won’t have the strength or durability to resist break-ins as well as new ones can.

Upgrading to stronger ones will increase your home’s resilience while also boosting your home’s energy efficiency. Double win.

Keeping Your Home Safe

Now that you how to protect your home from invasion, you’ll far more prepared than the average homeowner. All it takes is a plan and a little intentionality, and you can deter most, if not all issues before they even begin.

Sure, most tips require a bit of an investment. But if it means keeping your family and personal belongings safe, isn’t that worth it? Of course, it is.

Looking for other helpful tips like this? Then check out more articles on our blog today.

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