How to Choose the Right Realtor for Your Homebuying Journey

How to Choose the Right Realtor for Your Homebuying Journey

Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases you will make. Finding a Realtor who can guide you through this emotional process and negotiate the best price is essential.

Start your Realtor search by asking friends and family for recommendations. Ask about their experiences and what they liked about working with a particular agent.


Many homebuyers and sellers find their realtors through referrals from friends and family in Ostego, MN. This is a great way to get an idea of how the realtor works, but it’s important to interview candidates to ensure they’re a good fit for your unique needs.

You want to ask how long they’ve been working in the real estate business, how much of their business is residential versus commercial, and if they’re licensed in both states (which is required for some types of property). Also, ask about their education and what designations or certifications they have.

Experienced agents understand the local market, which is especially important for buyers. They should explain how quickly homes in your price range are selling, what challenges you might face when buying in your area, and how they can help you navigate the process.


Home buying can be stressful, so you want to work with a responsive agent. One way to gauge an agent’s level of responsiveness is to ask them questions online or via phone and see how long it takes them to respond.

Determining whether an agent can communicate clearly with their clients is also important. A realtor should always be able to explain real estate terms and processes, answer clients’ questions in a manner that is easy to understand, and encourage two-way conversation. This is essential for helping the homebuying process run smoothly. In addition, a good realtor will be familiar with the area in which they’re working and know the local market, including neighborhood trends, schools, commute times, shops, and restaurants.!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2813.4788241879946!2d-93.39427909999999!3d45.1571529!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0xc789b84f0bada8d1!!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1657652782649!5m2!1sen!2sus


Your agent will be by your side for months, guiding you through the homebuying journey. That’s a big responsibility. So don’t be afraid to weed out agents with a bad vibe or who don’t fit your personality.

A good real estate agent will respect your vision and help you find the right home. But they also know when to offer honest feedback, like if your dream home isn’t possible in your market or budget. You can also learn more about how Minnesota realtors are using AI to transform the real estate industry.

Take the time to interview agents about their experience and career. You can do this in person or over the phone, or online. And feel free to pop into open houses in neighborhoods you’re interested in to see agents in action and gauge whether or not you have professional chemistry with them.


A real estate agent (a realtor or REALTOR) is essential to your home-buying journey. They are there to help you with every step, from securing your mortgage to closing.

A good agent is flexible and understands that the process can sometimes be challenging. They should be willing to work with you on your schedule, answer your questions, and meet you where you are.

Additionally, they should be able to negotiate with sellers on your behalf and mitigate repair request negotiations. They should also have a network of reputable professionals who can assist you with your journey, including a mortgage lender, home inspector, and settlement/title company. They should be willing to share their list of trusted vendors with you.


Ask Realtors for a list of trusted vendors they work with, such as mortgage lenders, home inspectors, and settlement/title companies. This will give you a good idea of how well the agent works with these professionals and can help you avoid potentially bad experiences.

Ideally, you want to find a realtor who has closed sales in the neighborhood where you’re interested in buying or selling. This can give you a sense of how knowledgeable they are about the area and its market value.

When assessing an agent’s reputation, look at online reviews and social media profiles. While everyone gets the occasional negative review, if an agent has too many complaints or a pattern of poor customer service, this may be a red flag.

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