Finding Financial Security After A Career-Ending Injury

work injury

If they were to lose their job, 70% of workers in the US would face financial difficulties after just one month with no pay.  Even after taking care to invest in good health for the future, a sudden accident or injury can mean having to take at least some time off work and can leave workers worrying about how to manage financially in the long term. Fortunately, most employees will be entitled to some form of financial support through their company’s insurance policies. In addition, anyone who has been injured through no fault of their own could find financial security with compensation from a successful negligence claim.  

Maximizing Compensation for a Secure Future

In the US, injury is a serious health concern, affecting over 3 million people each year and causing over 150,000 fatalities. While any injury can be physically devastating when it is serious enough to end a career it can also cause emotional distress and financial hardship. JJS Justice notes that this is especially true of the often debilitating injuries caused by negligence on the part of someone else. In these cases, building a strong case for compensation can ensure that victims are not only able to deal with immediate expenses such as medical bills, but that, moving forward, they can continue to provide their family with a secure financial future.

Covering Costs with Workers’ Compensation

Even if an accident at work isn’t directly due to negligence, most states require employers to take out Workers’ Compensation Insurance, resulting in almost all employees being covered in case of personal injury or illness. As long as the injury is work-related, a financial settlement will be paid out in weekly installments through their company’s insurance policy. This will usually cover an injured worker’s costs of medical treatment and a percentage of their lost wages. Employees who sustain an enduring injury that is expected to last for 12 months or longer and that prevents them from continuing any kind of work may also qualify for permanent disability benefits.

Disabling injuries from accidents are common, and whether they cause temporary or permanent disability, they can leave workers of any age unable to earn a living. By claiming the compensation and benefits to which they are entitled, they can cover the cost of medical bills and replace lost wages, giving them peace of mind for the future.

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