Access Made Easy – Exploring the Advantages of Electronic Access Control Systems

Access Made Easy - Exploring the Advantages of Electronic Access Control Systems

If you want to eliminate the need for traditional metal keys, an access control system is a good option. This digital ecosystem lets you secure rooms with sensitive information or dangerous equipment, all while eliminating the need for cards, fobs, and even a locksmith. Office administrators, IT managers or heads of security can easily “set and forget” who is authorized to enter certain areas by using an online portal. This includes department-level permissions to minimize security risks.


Many businesses invest in access control systems to mitigate security risks. They eliminate the need for keys that can be stolen or copied and ensure all access attempts are logged. The software programs at the heart of EAC systems provide security administrators with a comprehensive view of who entered and exited, on which date/times, and which credentials. A contemporary electronic access control systems Orlando provider can employ individual, role-based, or department-level access permissions. These are useful for well-structured environments where all personnel performing a similar duty need access to the same locations (e.g., mechanics working on the motor pool). It can be a pain to be restricted from moving between facilities when you need to travel for work. This can be especially frustrating when you’re a remote worker or occasionally need to visit the office for stakeholder meetings. An accessible electronic system can help you overcome these barriers and boost employee flexibility.


A robust EAC system can save you significant time when managing your facility’s security. For instance, when hosting a conference or stakeholders, you can grant access to individual offices and conference rooms for their visit. This eliminates the need for human security officers to be present and log that access, making these events more efficient. EAC systems also give data on who enters and exits a building or room and when. This lets you know if people are working when they’re supposed to be and can help prevent theft and vandalism. Additionally, these systems can be integrated with lighting, heating and cooling systems so they turn on when people are in a room and shut off when nobody is around to save energy costs. This integration can reduce staff’s workload and eliminate the need for shift changes.

Time-Based Access

Access control systems automate granting permission, which is quicker and more accurate than manual keying. ACS technologies such as proximity wireless scanning, automatic permission detection and zero-contact electronic mechanisms also help people who don’t have much mobility or cannot handle a key physically (like on-call staff or maintenance). Modern EAC systems use individual, role-based or department-level access permissions to limit where cardholders can go within your facility. This is useful for well-structured environments where everyone performing a specific job needs the same set of locations.

For example, IT staff could access all doors in a data center. This system lets you quickly “set and forget” who can access areas like your IT rooms. The system logs who comes in and out along with the date, so you can check on comings and goings without having to be there. You also get the peace of mind that unauthorized people cannot enter because doors only open for those with credentials.


If there’s ever an accident, a break-in, or any other kind of incident, you’ll have logged reports that tell you exactly who entered what building and at what time. This is a huge asset in any criminal investigation of theft or vandalism, as it helps you pinpoint the exact people involved and prevents them from ever returning to your premises. Role-based access allows you to give specific individuals, teams, or groups of people the ability to access rooms and equipment in your office, warehouse, or campus. For instance, it’s easy without re-issuing credentials if you have an important meeting and want to give attendees extra access for the day or week.

The key to maximizing the benefits of your EAC system is working with a provider you can trust. Make sure they have a track record of installing and integrating security systems, documenting use policies, and training employees before you sign on the dotted line.

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