3 Keys for Finding Success as a Real Estate Agent

3 Keys for Finding Success as a Real Estate Agent

If you are dreaming of a lucrative career and if you’re interested in being involved in sales, working as a real estate agent might be right for you. For many years, this has been a popular industry, and there are many people who have become very wealthy from building a great career as a real estate agent.

However, unfortunately, most real estate agents don’t last in the industry for longer than five years. You probably don’t want this to be you, and you could be wondering what you can do to find success in the industry. These three keys can help you meet and exceed your goals.

Will You Be a Solo Agent or Join a Team?

The first decision that you have to make is whether you’re going to work as a solo agent or if you’re going to join a team. There are pros and cons to each of these options, so you’ll need to make the decision that is right for you.

Advantages of joining a team:

  • It’s cheaper to get started.
  • There isn’t as much risk.
  • You’ll have others to reach out to for advice.

Advantages of working as a solo agent:

  • You’ll have more control over your business.
  • You’ll have more room to grow.
  • You won’t have to share your profits with others, so you may make more money.

Joining a team can be extremely helpful if you are in a competitive market. For example, the Scottsdale real estate market is incredibly competitive, and working with an experienced Scottsdale real estate team can help you grow your business much faster than going solo.

Establish a Marketing Strategy Early

One of the biggest and most important parts of being a successful real estate agent is focusing on proper marketing. After all, if people don’t know about you, then they won’t know to reach out to you when they are ready to buy or sell a property or when they’re looking for help with finding a rental. 

Proper planning can help you save time and money and will help you be more effective at marketing yourself. When considering your marketing strategy, it’s essential to explore all available options.

One promising avenue is utilizing a sponsoring broker platform, a powerful tool that allows you to partner with an already established brokerage company and use their already tried-and-tested brokerage infrastructure and flexibly integrate this into your own business and marketing models. Whether you’re a solo agent or part of a team, this platform can provide the resources and support you need to succeed in a competitive market. Real estate farming, postcard marketing, and online marketing can all be enhanced with the capabilities of a sponsoring broker platform, helping you connect with potential clients and stand out in the industry.

Real Estate Farming

Real estate farming refers to doing what you can to develop a business in a certain area. The term refers to “farming” the area for leads, such as people who are thinking about selling their home or who are looking to buy or rent in the area. 

This allows you to build up a relationship with the people in the community, and it gives you a great starting point so that marketing yourself and looking for leads doesn’t seem as overwhelming. These are some of the ways that you can get started with real estate farming.

Postcard Marketing

Postcard marketing refers to sending out postcards to the people in the community that you are “farming.” They’re a great choice because they’re cheap to have printed in bulk and they are cheap to mail. 

However, people in the community are sure to appreciate a nice postcard, and the postcard should offer ample room to provide all of your contact information.

Door Knocking

Believe it or not, going door to door knocking in the area that you’re looking for leads in can be a great way to get yourself out there and get to know the people who live and work in the area. You never know who you might meet along the way and who might be interested in your services.

Hosting Neighborhood Events

Neighborhood events can be fun for everyone in the community. People in the community are sure to appreciate you hosting these types of events, and you will have the chance to mix and mingle with potential leads and contacts. You can host a networking event or a block party that everyone can enjoy.

Creating a Website or Blog

Nowadays, many people take to the internet when they are looking for services, including if they are looking for someone who can help them with selling their home or buying a new one. 

If you have a website, this will be somewhere that your potential clients can go to learn more about you, your experience, and the services that you offer. You can write regular blog posts about real estate-related topics or topics related to your community. 

This keeps people visiting your website and can be very useful and informative. Just make sure that you have an easy contact form and all of your contact information on your website, just in case someone wants to ask you for your help.

Online Marketing

Paying for Google search ads is a great way to promote yourself and the homes and other properties that you’re listing. You can also pay for ads on social media sites, local websites, and more to expand your reach and bring more people to your website or blog.

Focus On Improving Constantly

Once you start putting in a lot of hard work and start seeing results, you will probably be pretty happy with the business that you have built. However, it’s important to focus on improving constantly when you work as a real estate agent, even when you’ve been doing it for years. 

There are lots of ways that you can do this so you can stay ahead of the curve.

Read Books

There are lots of great books and audiobooks out there that can teach you a lot about the real estate industry and how to be the most successful real estate agent that you can be.

Invest in Real Estate Coaching

There are individual coaches that you can work with that will talk to you about what you are and are not doing right when working as a real estate agent. There are also online courses that you can check out if you aren’t interested in one-on-one coaching. Either way, making this investment is sure to pay off.

Network with Other Agents

Don’t be afraid to network with other real estate agents, including those who are considered to be at the top. You can learn a lot from them, and you’ll have the chance to make friends with others who are just as passionate about real estate as you are.


As you can see, there are a number of things that you can do if you want to find success as a real estate agent. In time, you should be able to build the business that you have always dreamed of.

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