Why Winter is a Great Time to Replace Your Air Conditioning Unit

Why Winter is a Great Time to Replace Your Air Conditioning Unit

As the season shifts to colder temperatures, it might seem counterintuitive to think about your air conditioning unit. But winter is actually the optimal time to replace an aging or insufficient AC system with the help of Prescott Valley heating and cooling professionals. Taking on this home improvement project during the cooler months comes with quite a few advantages you’ll want to consider.

The Cost Savings Can Be Substantial

Since demand for AC installation and repairs drops drastically in winter, many HVAC companies offer deep discounts to customers who book off-season services. Schedule an AC replacement between November and March rather than waiting until spring or summer, and you could save 15% to 20% off regular pricing. That’s money you can put toward upgrading to a more energy-efficient AC model. Speaking of energy efficiency…

Your Energy Bills Will Plummet

If your current air conditioner is more than 8 to 10 years old, it’s likely to be extremely inefficient by today’s standards. New AC units use significantly less energy thanks to improved compressor technology, environmentally-friendly refrigerants, and better insulation. Get a quote for installation during winter, and ask potential HVAC technicians to estimate just how much a new energy-efficient AC might slash your electricity costs over the next few cooling seasons. The long-term savings could be massive.

It’s Much Easier on Your Schedule

Attempting to schedule HVAC service calls, estimates, and installations during peak summer is a nightmare for homeowners. Reputable heating and cooling pros book up months in advance once temperatures rise. The spring also gets quite busy. Have your AC unit replaced during the winter off-season, however, and you’ll enjoy a much faster, more flexible booking. Companies have far greater availability to provide consultations and perfectly tailor the specifications of your new AC system’s installation.

Preventative Maintenance Kicks In Early

Brand-new air conditioning units require some preventative maintenance before each cooling season begins. This includes checking refrigerant levels, inspecting duct integrity, replacing filters, clearing debris from intake vents, verifying proper drainage, and ensuring all mechanical parts are in good working order. If you install a new system in early winter, your HVAC tech will take care of all necessary maintenance in time for next summer. For comprehensive HVAC services and customer care, consider using Sandri Energy to keep your HVAC system running smoothly.

No Risk of Emergency Issues

It’s rare for air conditioning units to break down completely during winter when they’re running less frequently. But lingering issues with compressors, refrigerant leaks, blower motors, or thermostats can rear their ugly heads as soon as weather warms up. If your AC is already on its last legs, an unexpected breakdown could leave you sweating in the summer heat for days or weeks until a technician can assess and replace the unit. Avoid this miserable fate by being proactive.

Temperature Regulation Improves

Over years of use, AC systems gradually lose their ability to maintain a consistent target temperature. Rooms may heat up or cool down several degrees before the unit kicks in. This temperature fluctuation wastes energy and leads to uncomfortable humidity spikes. The advanced thermostat controls and sensitive detection capabilities in modern AC units keep rooms at the perfect temp year after year.

The chilly weather makes winter feel like a counterintuitive time to think ahead to cooling needs. But replacing an aging and inefficient air conditioning unit during the off-season comes with an array of benefits, both short-term and long-lasting. Be strategic and book quotes and installation in advance to lock in the best pricing and incentives. Then get ready to stay comfortable and breathe easy when summer returns, thanks to perfectly operational and cost-effective climate control. Your electric bill—and home energy performance for years to come—will thank you.

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