Unveiling the Methods Used in Squirrel Removal in Toronto

Unveiling the Methods Used in Squirrel Removal in Toronto

Squirrels gnaw at wires that can cause power outages and trip alarm systems. They leave behind contaminated insulation that must be removed and the area sanitized.

A professional will start by inspecting, looking for droppings and access holes in the roof. Then they will explain your options for the humane squirrel removal process.

Attic Inspection

Although these furry critters are renowned for being charming and playful, they can be destructive. They eat and chew everything, pollute space with feces and urine, and cause damage to roofs and other structures.

During an inspection, we will locate the squirrels’ entry points into your home. We look for gamble vents (commonly found in older homes), soffits, roof areas and the attic. We will also evaluate the attic for signs of contaminated or compacted insulation that may need to be replaced.

We will then discuss options for removal. Trapping can be stressful for the animals, so we recommend a one-way door instead. One-way doors seal out squirrels after they leave and are much more humane than trapping. These doors are installed on the soffit so that the squirrel can get out but cannot come back in. We will also seal the entry point once the squirrel is excluded.

One Way Door

A professional wildlife control specialist can mount a one-way door directly on a squirrel entry or exit hole. The device is wide where it attaches to the building and gets narrower toward the end so that squirrels can exit but cannot re-enter. It is important to block all other possible access points with metal flashing or galvanized steel mesh that rodents can’t chew through before mounting the one-way door.

Squirrels are very active and clever animals. This enables them to find and access areas humans don’t want them in, such as an attic or crawlspaces. They will eat, chew, and damage insulation, wires and other items in these areas.

Squirrels have babies twice yearly and must search for sheltered regions to construct nests. If the mother is separated from her litter, she will go to extreme lengths to try and get back in to feed her babies. This is why working with a squirrel removal Toronto company that uses humane techniques is important.

Sealing All Entry Points

When squirrels gain access to the attic or roof, they start chewing/gnawing on shingles, attic insulation and electrical wiring causing potential fire hazards. Sealing any gaps they might use to enter is important to keep them out of the loft and roof. This includes using wire mesh on vents, chimney caps and trimming trees that provide an easy route up to the house.

After a thorough inspection to determine the extent of the infestation and entry points, our wildlife specialists will set up one-way doors on entry points. This will allow squirrels to exit the property, but they won’t be able to come back in. This method of wildlife removal is humane and more effective than trapping, which can take a lot of time to set, bait and re-bait and stress animals. It also doesn’t eliminate the underlying issue of the entry point that needs to be sealed.


Squirrels can cause great damage in their search for shelter from the elements. Often they will enter homes by chewing through roof vents, soffits and attic insulation. They also strip electrical wires and can be a fire risk. Other common signs of squirrels in attics are scratching noises, droppings and unpleasant odors.

If you suspect that you have a squirrel problem, it is important to act quickly. The longer you wait, the more severe the infestation and damage will be. Unpleasant odors from urine and decaying squirrel droppings can be especially strong and cause health issues for humans. In addition, squirrels may carry a new disease called the squirrel flea’ or Orchopeas Howard.

Once a wildlife professional has completed an inspection, they can give you a thorough outline of the issue, find the main entry point and offer you several options tailored to your home’s situation. The standard humane method is to cover the entry point with a one-way door allowing the squirrels to leave but preventing them from re-entry.

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