The Complete Guide to Choosing a Roof Installer for Homeowners

Finding the right professionals to install a new roof requires knowing your options. Here is the complete guide to choosing a roof installer for homeowners.

Today, there are approximately 81,679 roofing businesses in the United States. 

This large number of options is why so many homeowners struggle with finding a reputable company to hire. 

Understanding what to look for in a company will ensure the quality of work is excellent and trustworthy. 

Continue reading for helpful tips to use when choosing a roof installer!

Service Area

Since there are countless roofing companies to choose from, you’ll need to begin searching for the roofers in your area. Doing so will let you know which companies are readily available. 

However, if you live outside of city limits, you may have to find a company that will travel. Call each company you’re interested in and ask about their service area. Some companies may charge additional fees for travel compensation. 


Roof installation experience is a critical aspect of choosing a company to hire. Each company’s experience will tell you how long they’ve been in business. Usually, the longer they’ve been established, the better. 

Older companies have most likely mastered roofing techniques and understand how to fix each issue. However, younger companies may not work as efficiently. 

Visit each company’s website to learn about its history. For example, Far West Roofing explains their experience under their “About Me” section. 


Online customer reviews will give you lots of insight into how the company conducts business. Start by looking up reviews of each company and carefully consider each comment. 

You can use these reviews to narrow down your options. Pick a few of the top-rated companies to research them further. 


Then you can contact each company to ask for a reference list. This list will have the contact information of a few of their previous clients. Failure to provide a list may be concerning, meaning you might want to choose a different company. 

Contact these customers to ask about their opinion of the company. Take this time also to ask any other questions you may have.


Since most areas have multiple roofing companies, checking their prices is essential. Comparing installation costs can help you find an option that fits your budget. 

Getting price quotes from these companies will help you get the best deal. These quotes will also help negotiate prices between companies. 


Installing a new roof is a large job that can be dangerous for you and the workers. Therefore, the company you hire must have proper insurance. These insurance policies will hold the company liable for damages, repairs, or accidents. 

Insurance will also keep you out of legal trouble since multiple people will work on your property. Workers’ compensation insurance will not hold you accountable for any injuries. 

Choosing a Roof Installer in Your Area

These tips should make choosing a roof installer much easier. Hopefully, you’ll be working with a reliable company to get your roof installed as soon as possible. 

Don’t forget to read more of our articles to learn additional information on the roofing industry!

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