Keeping It Clean: How to Spot a Rat Nest in Your Home

Living with rats in your home invites not only dangerous diseases, but the potential physical risk from rat bites. Here's how to spot a rat nest in your home.

Are you worried you have rats in your house?

This is a common fear and justifiable concern. Nobody wants to see rodents in their home, and flooring it across the kitchen while your dog chases it into the living room isn’t how you want to spend the evening.

By reading this guide, you’ll know how to look for a rat nest in your home.

Rat Droppings

Droppings are dark and have a shiny exterior, and are usually 8-12mm long. It’s important to inspect attics and other dark, secluded areas of your home, like basements, crawlspaces, and garbage bins. Vacuuming floors, any type of furniture, and other surfaces on a regular basis and disposing of waste properly will go a long way in preventing an infestation.

Hearing Noises In Walls And Attics

If you’re hearing rustling, scurrying, or squeaking noises, it’s likely pests such as rats have set up a nest in your home. If an area has a distinct odor of urine, that’s a sure sign a rat nest is present. Take steps to block access to wall and attic spaces to deter further entry, and call an extermination professional to your home.

Seeing Smudges On Surfaces

Rat smudges are darker than dirt and can be a few inches across in size. A more reliable sign of a rat nest is when you spot a rat in your house. Rats are small (1/4” to 1/2” long), black, and pellet-like in shape. They can be found near food sources, cupboards, behind furniture, and other places where rats are likely to be.

Fur is also a sure sign of a rat nest. If you happen to see any fur, grease marks, or nests in your home, the best course of action is to call a pest control specialist to inspect and clean up the area to prevent any future pest problems. If you’re looking for reliable services, you might want to check out this website for pest control services.

Finding Gnaw Marks On

Rats have incisors that continuously grow, so they have to constantly gnaw and chew on things to keep their teeth short. Look for small marks on baseboards, window frames, and around doorways in the garage and basement. If there is evidence of chewing, it’s a strong indication you have a rat nest in your home.

Additionally, if you find small piles of debris like bits of paper, or feathers, along with a distinct musty smell, these are also signs that rats have made your home their nesting ground.

Fallen Or Half Eaten Fruit 

Rats are fond of sweeter food, such as fruit, and often leave behind chewed pieces or remnants of the food they are consuming. Additionally, rats are often seen scurrying away when disturbed, so if you notice strange movements when near a certain area of the house, then it may be possible that a rat nest is present.

Cleanliness is also key when it comes to avoiding rat infestations, as they are attracted to homes with clutter and places where any type of food is regularly available. 

Take Action Now To Prevent A Rat Nest In Your Home

Rats in your home are no fun! Knowing how to identify a rat’s nest is key to keeping it clean and preventing an infestation. Utilize the tips suggested in this article to inspect your home regularly and take preventive measures to keep your home rodent-free. Don’t wait until it’s too late – act now and save yourself future headaches!

If you want to know more about taking care of your home and family, check out our other posts today.

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