How to Prevent Clogged Drains and Their Common Causes

How to Prevent Clogged Drains and Their Common Causes

If you’re hearing gurgling sounds from sink drains or noticing wet areas in your home, these are not things to ignore. They could be an indicator of a clogged or broken pipe.

Keeping your drain lines free of debris can prevent these problems from happening in the first place. Here are some of the most common causes of clogged or leaking drains and ways to prevent them:


Hair is a common reason for washroom and bathtub drains becoming blocked. As you brush your teeth or shower, strands of hair are lost down the drains – where they can mix with soap residue to form a sticky substance that clogs pipes.

Although you can use home remedies like vinegar and baking soda to dissolve these blockages, you might have better luck with specialist products like a clog-removing snake or professional drain cleaning services. These are usually effective for most hair clogs and won’t corrode your pipes.

Additionally, you can avoid this issue by running hot water through your shower and letting it drain for a few minutes. It’s also a good idea to pull out the pop-up assembly in your bathroom sink once every other week and clean any hair or soap scum that may have built up. Investing in a good-quality drain cover or smart plug can prevent hair from entering your drains.


If you observe wastewater backing up into your home’s drains, your sewage line is likely clogged or leaking drains in New Braunfels. It is a significant and expensive problem requiring a professional plumber’s assistance. The raw sewage in the murky water that backs into your drains might be hazardous. It is recommended to flush human waste, toilet paper, and water down your drains instead.

Pouring cooking grease into your drains can also lead to clogs. It is because the grease will harden and stick to the walls of your pipes. The best way to prevent this is to collect your grease in a can or jar and dispose of it in the trash. Using a kitchen sink strainer to catch larger food debris that can easily clog your drains is also helpful.

Soap Scum

Soap residue combines with minerals in water to form soap scum, which can line the inside of pipes and trap other debris. It is a common cause of clogged shower and tub drains. Switching to liquid soap or a bar without animal fats can help prevent this problem.

Hair accumulating in bathroom drains can bind with grease and other materials to create stubborn clogs. Installing drain covers can help keep as much hair out of the drains as possible. To avoid clogged toilets, never flush baby wipes or other disposable wipes, even those labeled “flushable.” They can clog the drain and sewer lines.

Regular professional drain cleaning can prevent clogs and other problems from developing in your home. It can also improve your plumbing system’s longevity by reducing stress on the pipes. 

Food Waste

One of the most common causes of clogged drains is cooking fats and oils. When these liquid substances enter the pipes, they quickly harden into a solid form that clumps with other debris and prevents water flow. You can prevent this by pouring used cooking grease into a metal container and throwing it away in the trash.

Another food-related cause of clogged drains is baby wipes and other disposal wipes. These items can seriously harm plumbing systems and the sewer system because they are not intended to be flushed. You can prevent this by placing all used wipes in the garbage.

Your home may suffer from significant damage caused by clogged drains, which require the attention of a professional to repair. By taking a proactive approach to regular drain cleaning, you can prevent these issues and extend the life of your plumbing system. Signs of drain clogs include slow drainage, foul smells, and gurgling noises.

Tree Roots

Residential leaks waste over 1 trillion gallons of water annually. Broken pipes, clogged drains, and more can cause leaks. Professional plumbers in New Braunfels are trained to find the source of a leak and repair it without damaging your home’s surrounding plumbing and structure.

Tiny leaks or cracks in underground sewer lines can draw thirsty tree roots. Once they latch onto the pipe, they will grow inside and cause a clog or even break it.

Regularly cleaning your drains by a plumber can help you avoid these issues. This service removes hair, grease, and soap scum, as well as other organic material that accumulates in your pipes. You can also protect your drains by using a drain strainer and occasionally flushing them with hot water and baking soda. Taking care of your drains can reduce the chances of a clog and save you money.

Broken Pipes

Most drain clogs start small and gradually get bigger over time. The key is to know what to look for so you can have the drains in your home cleaned before they become too serious.

If you notice that the water in one of your drains is not draining as quickly as it should, or if you hear gurgling sounds coming from other sinks, toilets, or tubs, this is a sign of a clog forming. These clogs can lead to waste and raw sewage backing up into your home, which is scary.

To help prevent clogged drains:

  1. Try using a wire mesh cover for your sink drains. You can find these at most hardware stores; they are easy to install.
  2. Use liquid drain cleaners only as directed on the label.
  3. Consider having a professional plumber look at your sewer and drain lines for clogged pipes beyond repair.

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