How to Become an Independent Insurance Agent

If you're looking to start your career in the insurance industry, click here to explore how to become an independent insurance agent.

Depending on the firm, an independent insurance agent starts out earning between $20,000 and $200,000 per year. Of course, some of that salary is dependent on how much business you bring in.

But that’s the beauty of being an independent agent. You’re free to get clients from wherever you’d like.

If you’re interested in becoming an independent agent, there are some steps you’ll want to take. Keep reading below to learn more.

Get Educated

If you want to become an independent insurance agent, getting the right education is essential. Start by researching online or in person what qualifications are needed to be an independent insurance agent in your state. 

Completing courses or programs at your local community college is another great way to gain an understanding of the industry and applicable laws. It may also be beneficial to attend lectures or conferences to learn more and to network with those already working in the field.  This will ensure you remain up to date on whatever shifts the field may experience

Complete License Requirements

To become an independent insurance agent, there are a few steps one must take. First, you must get the necessary license and training. You must also pass an exam related to the line of insurance you plan to sell or find a mentor who is willing to train you.

Next, you must register with your state or with the office of the insurance commissioner in order to be able to issue and sell insurance policies. Once you have taken these steps, you can then become an independent insurance. 

Moreover, depending on the individual state, the licensing requirements vary. Most states require agents to take a pre-licensing course and pass a licensing exam.

After successfully completing the course, applicants must pass the exam in order to obtain their license. Agents must also make sure to keep their licenses current. Agents must research and become familiar with the available insurance options. 


Advertising is a key step to becoming an independent insurance agent. Start with local methods such as magazines, radio, and television ads. You can invest in paid advertising platforms such as print or radio spots, Google Ads, or Bing Ads. 

Create a website to make it easy for customers to compare the variety of services you offer and give them the opportunity to reach out to you. These efforts will help you to become an independent insurance agent. 

Hiring Remote Assistants  

Hiring remote assistants to fill each role is important; someone who is experienced and talented in insurance sales, customer service, and other areas related to insurance. Additionally, you need to determine other essential tasks related to the position, such as how the remote assistants will be paid, and how their performance will be tracked. You should also create procedures and protocols for how the remote assistants will work.

Become an Independent Insurance Agent Today

Becoming an independent insurance agent can be extremely rewarding. With some hard work, you can become an independent insurance agent  Sign up for a free course or training program today to get your career started!

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