Amazing Vision Treatments For A Brighter Future

Amazing Vision Treatments For A Brighter Future

I vividly remember my very first day of school. My name was near the end of the alphabet so I ended up seated in the back of the room. I was a fairly bright young fellow and knew how to read before I arrived. The teacher wrote something on the board and asked us all to take turns reading it. When she got to me I was terribly embarrassed because I couldn’t do it. The teacher was a bit surprised and asked me to try again. I mumbled that I couldn’t. She asked me to describe what I could see in detail. I told her the chalkboard (oh, I am so old!) had a bunch of fuzzy white things on it. With a wise nod, she asked me to stand up and take ten steps forward, then try again. This time I could make out the first letter in some of what were actually words. Ten more steps brought me to just a few feet away and I was able to proudly read off the entire list! My very wise teacher made a call to my parents that evening, and the next day I got to take the day off from school to go to an eye appointment. It seemed I was extremely near-sighted, and somehow no one had noticed until then! I have worn prescription lenses ever since.

I didn’t think much about wearing glasses most days, it was just a fact of life, but every now and then I wished I didn’t have to. Glasses were fine most of the time, at least until I dropped them or they otherwise came to harm in the course of an active youth’s life. Contact lenses for sports worked pretty well, at least until the time I went swimming and managed to lose one. I thought nothing could be done, so imagine my delight when I learned about the miracle of Microprism Vision! The amazing techniques they use don’t just passively correct vision, they actively improve vision! Their revolutionary method is to treat your body as a whole, studying your daily habits to find behaviours which have a negative impact on your eyesight. Then they proscribe relaxing therapies along with lenses and prisms designed to actually make you see better naturally! Thanks to them I can now see clearly without the need for prescription lenses. The future looks much brighter now!

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