4 Voracious Houseplant Pests That Eat Your Plants From the Inside Out


Scientists have long recognized plants as essential components of mental wellbeing. They’re associated with decreased stress, better air quality, and even as a therapy for recovering from illness.

During these times of indoor confinement, houseplants are the best way to reap these benefits. That is if you can keep them alive.

Houseplants face few challenges when compared to their outdoor peers, but their circumstances are ideal for pests to multiply in huge numbers.

These are the houseplant pests to look out for if you want your indoor plants to thrive.

1. Spider Mites

Spider mites are a fact of life for most houseplant enthusiasts. These destructive insects often escape detection due to their diminutive size.

Take note of any spiderwebs you see on your plant. If you can’t see any spiders and the webs seem to have specks of fine dust sprinkled on them, your plant has spider mites.

These tenacious insects suck the life-giving sap out of your plants and will eventually kill them. The best way to deal with spider mites is to consult with a pest control expert for advice.

2. Root Aphids

Root aphids can get out of control quickly. They’re rarely seen due to their camouflaged coloring, tiny size, and their habit of burrowing into the soil.

If your houseplants seem to be lacking nutrients, despite your best efforts, a root aphid infestation is probably destroying them from below. Fortunately, the best way to get rid of root aphids is an eco-friendly one too.

Beneficial root nematodes are tiny worm-like creatures that feast on underground pests but pose no risk to humans, pets, or earthworms.

3. Thrips

Thrips thrive in the ideal conditions of your indoor environment. These tiny insects look like little dark threads to the naked eye and will feast on your plants’ fruits, leaves, and flowers.

They usually attack en masse and fly away when you disturb them. If your plants look silvery, splotch, and twisted, thrips have probably been feeding on them.

Thrips lay their eggs in the stems of plants and the larvae eat the plant sap when they hatch.  Check your plants regularly for signs of thrips and treat them with a biological pesticide.

4. Invisible Houseplant Pests

You can’t see russet mites without a microscope, which makes them even more dangerous than other houseplant pests. Indoor conditions are an ideal breeding habitat for these voracious pests.

These voracious pests can suck all the sap out of a plant if left unchecked. If you notice the lower leaves of your plants’ curling and drooping, russet mites are at work.

You can look for the mites with a lens of 14X magnification lens. Beneficial nematodes will kill russet mites, but prevention is the best course of action against these creatures. Speak to a pest control expert about how you can repel russet mites.

Make Your Home an Even Better Place

Dealing with houseplant pests is a minor inconvenience when you consider the many benefits that indoor plants bring to your home.

They add color to dull spaces, oxygenate the air, and enliven your living areas. If you’d like some more home improvement advice, keep browsing our blog for more information on a wide range of topics.

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