5 Ways to Lower Your Energy Bill

Are you looking for ways to lower your energy bill? If so, take a look at this guide for everything that you need to know.

The US Energy Information Administration shared that the average monthly energy bill is $117.46 a month. Fluctuating energy costs can drastically affect your personal finances. You can save money on your energy bills by implementing money-saving strategies. 

Keep reading to learn five foolproof ways to save money and lower your monthly energy bill. 

1. Utilize Insulation 

Inadequate home insulation is one of the primary reasons your energy costs could increase throughout the winter. Insulated homes are more energy efficient and help you save costs during the winter months. An energy-efficient home is also beneficial for the environment.

Insulation helps to lessen heat loss or gain in your home. By fulling sealing your home with insulation you can slow the flow fo heat into your home during the summer and block the cold from getting in during the winter months.

Be sure to look for a good resource on insulating crawl spaces. A well-insulated home can keep your utility costs under control.

2. Swap Out Your Lightbulbs

One of the greatest methods to save your annual energy costs is to get LED lighting. Although the savings will be most noticeable in houses that replace incandescent bulbs, switching to LED ones can save you $225 in annual energy bills. The most common type of illumination utilized in homes and businesses nowadays is LED.

3. Adjust Your Thermostat

The Department of Energy claims that by simply lowering your thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees a few hours each day, you can save up to 10% on your heating and cooling expenses. These savings can stack up over the course of the year and result in real profit. 

You can save money by setting your thermostat closer to the outside temperature. Your cooling system won’t have to work as hard if you don’t force it to make drastic changes in the temperature. 

4. Alter Your Fridge Temperature

You can improve your energy savings by setting your refrigerator and freezer to the appropriate temperature. You should keep your freezer between 0 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit and your fridge between 35 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintaining an appropriate temperature range can keep your appliances from having to work as hard to cool your groceries. 

5. Conduct an Energy Audit 

A home or business building’s energy efficiency can be assessed through an energy audit. Energy efficiency is the ability to do a task using less energy.

When you conduct an energy audit, you’ll receive a thorough assessment of your power use and energy efficiency from the audit. After the audit is finished, the auditor will provide you with a report detailing energy usage, a final energy grade, and recommendations for home improvements to reduce energy expenses on energy bills.

Start Lowering Your Energy Bill 

Sick and tired of rising energy costs? You make the change to become an energy-efficient household. By implementing these five strategies, you can take control of your finances and lower your monthly energy bill. 

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