5 Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common health issues around today. Click here to discover 5 common causes of pain in the lower back.

Back problems are among patients’ most frequent complaints to their doctors. Nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain. It’s also one of the most debilitating conditions, as it prevents people from doing normal activities.

While lower back pain is one of the common health issues, it’s still important to get it checked out by a specialist like Dr Timothy Steel, to rule out pressing issues. However, there are some common causes of lower back pain that you can take steps to prevent.

See below for some key information about lower back pain and common causes that you need to learn about.

1. Repetitive Stress and Posture Imbalance

Repetitive motions like bending and lifting, twisting, or sitting in the same position for extended periods can cause the muscles, discs, joints, and other support structures in the lower back to become overloaded. Poor posture causes many people to round their shoulders and upper back, which in turn destabilizes the lower back and leads to lower back pain.

Similarly, poor posture while standing and sitting can also compound the risk of lower back pain. Taking breaks, using proper body mechanics, and using lumbar support when sitting can help reduce the causes of pain.

2. Muscle Weakness and Strain

When the muscles of the back are not used regularly and/or are weak, they become more vulnerable to injury. Furthermore, strains occur when the muscles of the back are put under too much strain. This can lead to damage of the muscle fibers that results in inflammation and irritation of the back muscles and can lead to lower back pain.

3. Degenerative Spinal Disorders

One of the most common causes of lower back pain is degenerative spinal disorders. Over time, the discs in the spine may weaken or deteriorate, leading to injury or inflammation. Symptoms of a degenerative spinal disorder include pain, numbness, and a lack of mobility.

Treatment for this type of condition may include targeted exercises, physical therapy, and medications. As with any injury or illness, it is important to seek the advice of a medical professional to determine the best course of action for lower back treatment and injury prevention.

4. Overuse of Medications and Substances

This includes pain-relieving and muscle-relaxing medications, alcohol, caffeine, and illicit drugs. Overuse of these substances can lead to muscle imbalances and poor posture and weaken the core muscles that support the spine.

As a result, the spine can become misaligned and inflamed, resulting in lower back pain. Additionally, strong medications and substances that are used to mask or numb the pain can weaken the muscles further, leading to an increased risk of injury and chronic pain.

5. Stress and Emotional Well-Being

When an individual experiences high levels of stress, their body begins to produce hormones that can cause persistent muscular tension. Likewise, individuals who are feeling anxious, depressed, or isolated may be more likely to experience greater levels of pain due to the stress hormones that are constantly released in the body.

Improve Your Well-Being to Prevent Any Health Issues

Lower back pain is a very common problem and can be caused by a range of issues. To prevent and manage lower back pain, it is important to understand the potential causes and build a plan to protect your back.

Education and lifestyle changes are key to long-term relief from lower back pain. If you are experiencing back pain, speak with a healthcare provider to get the proper diagnosis and treatment plan for any health issues.

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