The Common Types of Fences for Your House

Fences are a great way to not only add style to your home but also increase privacy. Here are the types of fences you have to choose from.

Are you considering a new fence for your home? There are many different types of fences available, and many reasons to invest in a fence in the first place.

One thing is for sure, however: A fence will make your yard a more enjoyable space. It will give you another reason to spend time outside, which is always a good idea.

Spending time outdoors, even if it’s just sitting in the backyard reading a book or drinking coffee in the morning, is good for your mental and physical health. If all it took was installing a fence to give a reason to spend more time outside, then that alone is worth it.

Keep reading to discover the other reasons building home fences is worth it, and what types of fencing materials you should choose. 

Is It Adding a Fence Worth It?

As mentioned before, adding a fence can give you another reason to spend more time outside. It’s hard to enjoy your backyard when it feels like all your neighbors can see you. This is especially true in tightly packed suburban neighborhoods, where privacy is limited. 

Homeowners with a fenced-in yard often feel like they can actually relax in their yards. Being able to relax in our day in age is priceless.

On top of that, fences help to keep in children. If you have toddlers, it’s nice to let them run around outside and explore at their own pace. But without a fence, it would be easy for them to wander into the neighbor’s yard, or out into the street.

Letting your kids play in a backyard without a fence means you are having to chase them around the entire time. Not exactly fun. 

Fences can also keep in dogs. Is it a pain to have to leash up your dog and walk them outside every time they need to use the bathroom?

With a fenced-in yard, you can let them go outside any time they wish. You can finally get a doggy door, too.

Of course, putting up a fence costs money. Luckily, one of the biggest benefits of a fence is that it can improve the value of your home. Should you need to sell your home in the future, you’ll be in luck, as many homebuyers will prefer a house with a fence, so you’ll sell your home quicker.

Types of Fences to Consider

Depending on your goals for your new fence, there are different fencing options to choose from. Each style has a range of materials and sizes available. Here are the most common fencing uses and materials. 

Privacy Fence

Privacy fences are erected for the purpose of making your backyard private and safe. These fences are usually six feet tall, making it hard for people to see over and into your yard.

Boards are usually installed right next to each other so there aren’t any gaps. This is ideal if you live in a suburban neighborhood and want to create a relaxing backyard. These types of fences also work best at keeping pets and children in your yard.

Privacy fences are usually made out of wood. When installing a wood fence, you’ll need to maintain it to prevent it from rotting or warping in the weather. You should seal your fence once every couple of years to maximize its useful life.

If you have the budget, you can also install a vinyl privacy fence, which looks just as good as wood but doesn’t require any maintenance or care. They will last longer with less effort.

Privacy fences are usually the easiest to purchase and install yourself. Check out this guide to learn how to install a privacy fence on your own.

Kid and Pet Fence

Not too concerned with privacy? Maybe you live on a large parcel of land and don’t have any other houses nearby.

You might still want a fence to contain children and pets. You can install a short fence, such as a picket fence. These are usually three or four feet tall and contain gaps between the boards.

Obviously, you can see over and through them. But they will prevent small kids and pets from getting over. 

You can build this type of fence out of wood, vinyl, or metal. 

Decorative Fence

If you are wanting to build a fence to complement the aesthetic of your house, but don’t need it to provide any functional benefits, you can opt for a decorative fence. 

These are generally short, with plenty of gaps built into the fencing material, so you can still see the yard and home in all its splendor. They are meant to complement your home, not block it.

Most decorative fences are made of metal such as wrought iron. They are expensive to install but often last many decades. 

Property Line Fence

Even if you live in a rural area, it’s nice to have a fence up to distinguish between property boundaries. This could be for practical reasons, such as preventing animals from crossing between properties. 

Or it can be purely aesthetic, creating a visible distinction between property lines. These are generally wooden fences that can easily be climbed over or under. But keeping people in or out isn’t necessary.

What to Consider When Installing a Fence

When installing a fence in your yard, be sure to check your city ordinances. Most of the time, a homeowner can add a fence. But some municipalities may have rules that dictate what type of fence you can install if any at all.

Aside from getting permission to install a fence, you’ll want to have your property professionally mapped out so you know exactly where your property line is. You don’t want to accidentally install your fence on your neighbor’s property, or you could be in for an expensive fix.

And since installing a fence requires deep, wide holes to be dug, you need to ensure there aren’t any pipes or wires where you plan to dig. Have your local utility company show you where underground utility lines are located so you can avoid an expensive, painful accident.

Fences are Always Worth It

With many different types of fences to choose from, there’s definitely something for every home and neighborhood. It really just depends on where you live and what your goals are for the fence.

If you plan to build it yourself, know that it’s a lot more work than you realize. Having it professionally installed costs a fair bit, but the time and headaches saved will be worth it.

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