Should You Be Concerned Over a Hormone Imbalance?

Are you suffering from a hormone imbalance? If so, you may be wondering if it's something you should be concerned about. This is what you need to know.

Your body is making 50 different kinds of hormones as you read this! Each hormone helps your body maintain vital functions. These range from healthy hair to sleeping well.

But what about when your hormone system goes haywire? Dealing with a hormone imbalance is a common issue. If you sleep poorly, have trouble losing weight, or have low libido, you may have hormonal issues.

It’s not just a matter of irregular menstruation or more headaches. Ignoring a hormone imbalance can have serious health consequences. If you are facing some of these symptoms, now is the time to look into some vitamins for female hormone balance.

Read on to find out what you should do about it to protect your health.

The Science of Hormones

Your endocrine system creates hormones in your glands. You have different glands throughout your body. These include ovaries or testes.

Other glands in the endocrine system include your thyroid and pituitary gland. These chemicals, or hormones, must release into your body in exactly the right amount. Too much or too little will impact your health.

When all goes well, hormones control many elements of your health. Hormones are responsible for your sleep cycles, fertility, libido, and mood. They also impact your metabolism and weight gain or loss.

Some hormones you may be familiar with are insulin, known for regulating blood sugar. Cortisol is a stress hormone. Progesterone and Estrogen regulate menstrual cycles.

How Do I Know There’s an Issue?

You’ll probably notice an imbalance in your endocrine system. You may notice changes in your sleep cycle. Your body temperature may change and you’ll feel much hotter or colder than you used to.

If your weight changes without dietary or lifestyle changes, you may have an issue. Other signs of an imbalance are an irregular menstrual cycle, brittle nails, or dry hair.

Also, keep an eye out for puffiness, bloating, or big changes in your mood or energy.

What Should I Do About a Hormone Imbalance?

First of all, do not ignore any changes. You might think it’s not a big deal. But a hormone imbalance can be a sign of a serious underlying issue.

It could be that you have gland problems. It could also be a sign you are having issues with blood sugar, or even a tumor. Make sure to take your imbalance seriously so you can address the underlying issue.

A doctor will help you find hormone balance. They will test you and discuss treatment options with you.

If you’re not able to see a doctor in person, make sure to find a Telehealth endocrinologist. You can meet with experienced professionals like those on this site. An endocrinologist will help find out what the underlying imbalance is.

It may be that you need lifestyle changes. Perhaps your body is unbalanced due to prolonged stress or poor diet.

They can also test you for underlying genetic issues or thyroid problems. Treatment may include lifestyle changes or medication.

Address the Imbalance

You may feel embarrassed when you have problems with hormones. Your body may not look or act how it used to. That’s why it’s so important to get treatment.

Your hormone imbalance is your body letting you know it needs something. Once you know how to listen, you’ll be on your way to better health and quality of life.

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