Painting a Bedroom the Right Way: How to Prep For Success & Expert Methods

Thinking about painting a bedroom? Prep work can be half the battle. Read our guide to learn the key steps you should take before you roll up your sleeves.

Are you bored with your bedroom?

Painting a bedroom is a great way to breathe new life into it. It’s simple to do and affordable.

So, any homeowner can handle the job on their own – but mistakes can be costly.

If taking on the task is not for you, simply search “house painter Ohio,” or whatever state you live, in to find a list of painters in your area, read Google Reviews and choose someone who you can be confident will do a good job for you.

Read on, and we’ll tell you how to paint a bedroom the right way.

Painting a Bedroom: Choosing a Color

Color therapy is legit. When you consider how much time we spend in our rooms (especially over the past year!), it makes sense to pick a color that’s therapeutic to us.

So if your current room is the same old bland egg white changing it could change your life. You never know.

Some popular bedroom colors include:

  • Lavender
  • Blue-gray
  • Sage-green
  • Dusty-pink
  • Light yellow
  • Pale orange

Softer, muted tones generally work well. Pick a few swatches and pin them up in your room. See how you feel looking at each one and let that inform your choice.

Once you know what color you want, prep work starts.

Painting Preparation

After selecting a color, consider the other components of the room. Will you also paint the trim, window frames, ceilings, and doors?

If so, you’re going to need more paint.

Gather and Prep

Determine the materials you need and assemble them. Remove any large furniture that blocks your access to what you’ll paint.

Make sure you have:

  • Brushes/rollers/etc
  • Paint
  • Paint vessels
  • Plastic
  • Painters tape
  • Damp rags

Nothing is worse than getting started and realizing you forgot something critical.

Smooth and Clean the Walls

Remove any artwork or decor and assess any repairs, for example, holes to patch. Loosen fixtures, remove switchplates and apply painter’s tape around the windows.

If you’re painting doors, remove them now. Set them up on sawhorses elsewhere. Or wait until you’re done with the room to bring the doors in to paint.

Wipe your walls down and wait for them to dry. Once dry, it’s time to prime.

Prime and Paint

Blast your favorite tunes and get to work. Use the right brush for the right job.

Be sure to take your time. You want to do an excellent job as you make your way through painting the bedroom.

On the Other Hand

Painting a bedroom isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time. While it is simple and can be affordable, mistakes happen.

Generally, when doing it yourself, painting a room costs between $100-$300. That doesn’t take into account the cost of your labor, however. If you start early in the morning, you could theoretically paint a bedroom in a day.

It also doesn’t take into account potential errors. Choosing the wrong kind of primer, paint, or even cleaning product could throw your whole paint game off.

If DIY home projects aren’t your thing, you could choose to skip all that and hire professionals (more info here).

It might cost you a little more money, $200-$800 depending on the room; but it might be worth it in the long term.

Bedroom Painting Tips

At the end of the day, when painting a bedroom you should consider weighing your options. How long will it take you to paint, will it be joyful, how much will it cost in time and money?

Compare that cost to the cost of hiring professionals and see what you come up with.

While you’re here, make sure to check out the rest of our blog for other useful content. We’ve got tons of insights into how to live your best life.

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