How to Get Rid of Mold in the Bathroom: A Step by Step Guide

When mold grows in the home, it can lead to serious health problems. Learn how to get rid of mold in the bathroom for good here.

Did you know that scientists have identified over 200 mycotoxins from molds? These are potentially toxic substances, meaning they can harm humans and animals. And while not all mold species produce them, that’s enough of a reason to get rid of them ASAP.

The bathroom, in turn, is one of the places you’re most likely to find mold, as it’s constantly warm and damp.

Don’t worry, as we’re here to teach you how to get rid of mold in the bathroom. So, read on to learn the top tips for mold removal and prevention.

Ensure the Bathroom Has Adequate Ventilation

When your bathroom walls and floors get wet, it takes a while for the water to dry. That’s especially true if the room isn’t well-ventilated.

Unfortunately, molds can start growing on those damp areas if you don’t dry them out right away. So, to help promote faster drying, open the windows after you bathe or shower. Even better, invest in an exhaust fan to help dehumidify your bathroom.

Find and Address Leaks

Water leaks in a US home can, on average, waste almost 10,000 gallons of water per year. Some homes even have massive leaks that squander away at least 90 gallons of water a day.

Such problems give rise to mold growth because they increase the moisture in your home. Thus, if you have leaky plumbing pipes and fixtures in the bathroom, have a pro address them first. Otherwise, you can expect molds to keep growing in it.

If you have leaks in other parts of your home, you likely have molds growing outside your bathroom. In that case, you might want to get an expert to perform mold inspection, testing, and removal. You can check out this guide on mold remediation at for more information.

Use Vinegar to Remove Molds

If molds cover less than 10 square feet of a surface in your bathroom, you can use white vinegar to try to remove them.

White vinegar can be effective for mold removal as it contains acetic acid. That acid, in turn, can retard the growth of common molds like Penicillium chrysogenum.

You can directly spray white vinegar onto the mold growth. Make sure you saturate the moldy patches and let the vinegar sit for half an hour. Then, scrub away with a brush.

If some stubborn molds remain, repeat the steps. Once you’ve removed them all, give the cleaned area a final rinse with some warm water.

Apply Baking Soda on Moldy Surfaces

If you’re not keen on using vinegar, you can use baking soda instead. Start by mixing about half a cup of this fine white powder with three to four teaspoons of water. Mix well to create a paste, and then slather all over the moldy surfaces.

Let the baking soda paste sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Next, use a floor or tile brush to scrub the fungi away. Finally, hose it down with plain water.

That’s How to Get Rid of Mold in the Bathroom

And there you have it, the short and sweet guide on how to get rid of mold in the bathroom. So the next time you see fuzzy growths on your shower/tub walls and floors, use our tips to eradicate them.

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