How Long Do Dental Implants Last? A Basic Guide

There are several advantages of getting implants if you have missing teeth, but how long do dental implants last? Here's what you need to understand.

Are you thinking about getting dental implants to replace missing teeth?

Dental implants are a great option for missing teeth. Unlike connective bridges, crowns, or tooth-filling, dental implants are permanently attached to your jaw bone and will stay there for the rest of your life.

That being said, nothing’s forever and implants are no exception. How long do dental implants last? How much will it cost you to maintain them over the years?

This implant guide’s for you! Let’s get into it!

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. They are made of titanium, a material that is well-tolerated by the body. Titanium implants fuse with the jawbone, providing a secure foundation for replacement teeth.

While dental implants are not a new technology, they have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is due in large part to their many benefits, which include improved oral health, a more youthful appearance, and increased self-esteem.

Implants may need to be replaced or repaired over time due to normal wear and tear, gum disease, or injury. However, implants are usually much longer lasting than other tooth replacement options, such as bridges or dentures.

There are also new types of dental implants such as the all-on-four implants that are a more cost-effective option than the traditional ones. You can check out this resource on all-on-four implants and see if it’s right for you.

If you’re considering dental implants, be sure to consult with an experienced implant dentist to discuss your options. To find one simply head to Google and search “Dental implants in Birmingham” or whichever town you live in. Now make sure to check some reviews and find a dentist near you.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

How long dental implants last is difficult to determine because many variables can affect their longevity. However, with proper care, most dental implants can last a lifetime. The average lifespan of an implant is about 10 to 15 years.

Additionally, it is important to note that many factors, such as the surrounding teeth, the type of dental implant, and the patient’s overall oral health, can affect the longevity of dental implants. External factors such as oral hygiene and smoking can also influence the implant’s life span.

Proper Care For Your Implants

It is important to keep in mind that dental implants are not natural teeth. They require special care to ensure that they remain in good condition.

Just like your natural teeth, you need to brush and floss your implant daily to remove any food or plaque build-up. In addition, you should see your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. This is important for all dental patients, but it is especially important for those with implants.

You should also avoid biting or chewing on hard objects. If it’s unavoidable, be sure to use your back teeth. Similarly, grinding your teeth will also contribute to damaging the implants.

Another keep in mind is to avoid smoking. Smoking weakens the immune system, which can lead to gum disease and other infections that can damage the implant. In addition, the constant motion of smoking can cause stress on the implant and lead to premature loosening.

Make Your Implants Last for Years

When it comes to dental implants, the consensus is that they are a lifelong solution for missing teeth. But how long do dental implants last?

While there are no guarantees in life, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care. While the initial cost of dental implants may seem high, they are an investment in your oral health that can pay off in the long run.

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