The Importance of Proper Postpartum Perineal Care

The Importance of Proper Postpartum Perineal Care

Keeping your perineum clean is very important after childbirth. It helps you to heal faster and prevents infections and other problems.

It is also helpful to use a unique product for perineal care to keep your vaginal area clean. You can buy this product from a drugstore or health food store.


After delivery, it’s crucial to keep the perineal area clean. It can be done by washing it twice a day with water.

If you have had a cesarean birth, keeping the stitches clean and dry is essential, as this can help prevent infection. Keeping the area clean will help with the healing process and speed up recovery after childbirth.

Women may experience an increased amount of vaginal discharge during the first three days after delivery, which is called lochia, and will eventually dissipate. Using clean, sanitary pads and changing them regularly can reduce the risk of infection, and it’s best not to use tampons for the first six weeks.

It is essential to follow postpartum hygiene and care instructions provided by your doctor. Routine visits with your obstetrician are generally scheduled for four to six weeks after delivery.


Proper postpartum perineal care is essential for every woman who delivers her baby vaginally. It is because the perineum, or area of skin between your vagina and anus (the back passage), stretches during labor.

It is common for this area to tear and graze, but it is rare for tears to be large enough to require stitches. These minor abrasions are not painful for most women and will heal quickly.

However, for some women, this area will sting when passing urine after birth. Using body temperature water, pouring or spraying over your perineum while you pass urine may help relieve this pain.

The pain you feel after giving birth can be very stressful, and your postpartum pain management must be well-planned. Your healthcare provider can prescribe painkillers and offer non-medication options to relieve discomfort.


Stitches repair a tear from childbirth or close an episiotomy (a surgical cut between the vagina and the anus that widens your vaginal opening for birth). Dissolvable stitches, which break down on their own within weeks, are typically used.

Cleaning your stitches from front to back and changing your sanitary pad frequently are the best ways to take care of them. You should gently rinse your perineal area after every bowel movement and urinate.

Ice packs can also be used to help relieve itching, as well as to reduce swelling. Put a cold gel pad, bag of peas, or ice cubes on your stitches for about 10 minutes a day.

Another common issue for women with stitches after childbirth is postpartum constipation. It can be caused by many factors, including pain-relieving medications you might have received during the delivery process and anesthesia you might have taken in the hospital. It’s often helped by eating fiber-rich foods, drinking plenty of water, and taking short walks regularly.


After a vaginal birth or cesarean delivery, you’ll likely have sore and swollen perineum. It is expected because of the tissue changes and trauma involved in childbirth.

Sometimes, the perineum will tear during delivery, or your doctor may have to make a small cut in this area (known as an episiotomy). Both of these situations will need stitches to ensure the best healing possible.

If you have a tear, you can apply ice to reduce swelling in the first 24 hours after delivery. It can be repeated as needed.

You can also try soaking your perineum in a warm bath with Epsom salts. It will help reduce swelling and improve blood flow to the perineum.

If you have a tear, practicing several gentle pelvic floor exercises each hour is essential. These can be done sitting or lying on your side and can assist with reducing strain on the perineum and stitches.

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