Braces vs Invisalign: Which Is Right for You?

When it comes to finding the right teeth straightening method for you, click here to explore the difference between braces vs Invisalign.

Do you have an ugly smile? Are you tired of hiding your smile in photos? Do you have shifting teeth that have never lined up correctly? Ever since you were young, you’ve wanted a gorgeous smile, but there’s nothing wrong with your teeth.

You’ve heard about Invisalign and braces, but you aren’t sure which to pick. With so many different options, it can be hard to decide.

They both correct teeth issues, but they are different and give different results. Here are the differences between braces vs Invisalign.

Treatment Length

Braces typically require about two years of treatment, while Invisalign treatment averages between 9-15 months. However, this can vary depending on what your orthodontist decides is necessary to achieve the desired results.

With braces, the wires and brackets are attached to the surface of the teeth with a strong adhesive, and the braces are adjusted regularly to gradually move teeth into the desired position.


When it comes to price, braces and Invisalign are dramatically different. Braces are typically more affordable and cost price-ranges from $3,000 to $7,000. On the other hand, Invisalign can cost up to $8,000 or more, depending on the severity of your tooth misalignment.

Additionally, you may need to purchase additional Invisalign aligners as the treatment continues. Braces require fewer appointments and consequently fewer visits to the orthodontist, resulting in lower overall costs. 


Braces require the patient to visit a qualified orthodontist for an initial examination and to begin the braces process. The orthodontist will recommend how long the braces should stay on the teeth and present an estimate.

Invisalign, on the other hand, requires either an orthodontist or a dentist to perform the initial examination. The scans associated with Invisalign are more intensive than those associated with braces. They also require special software and a three-dimensional printer to create the trays. 

Gum Irritation

Braces can lead to gum irritation due to the brackets or wires irritating the gum line. Invisalign aligners can also irritate the gums because they can rub against the inside of the mouth.

While the aligners can be removed to clean the mouth and reduce the irritation, the brackets and wires of braces cannot be removed. This means that the irritation of the gums could become a long-term problem with braces.

On the other hand, frequent brushing and flossing with braces can help reduce gum irritation, whereas with Invisalign patients need to remove the trays to ensure that the gums get enough cleaning during this process. 

Nearly Invisible

Braces are the more traditional way of straightening teeth, utilizing metal brackets attached to the teeth and linked together by metal wires. They are typically considered to be the most effective in correcting more severe dental problems.

In comparison, Invisalign is a newer technology that utilizes a series of nearly invisible, custom-made, removable aligners to straighten teeth. While they are appropriate for both minor and major issues, they will take longer to see results and may not be as effective as braces. Consult Gleason Orthodontics to know which option is right for you.

Learn the Comparison Between Braces vs Invisalign

In conclusion, braces vs Invisalign both offer solutions to straighten teeth; however, Invisalign can blend in with your smile better and offers more convenience. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your lifestyle and budget.

Speak to an orthodontist to determine which option is right for you. Act now and take the first step towards a smile you’ll love.

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