9 Effective Tips for Saving Money on Prescriptions

Saving money on prescriptions is possible when you know what you're doing. These nine tips will actually make a huge difference.

Did you know that 66 percent of adults in the United States of America are on prescription drugs? If you’ve spent any amount of time living in the United States then you know that the healthcare system is not cheap. Little things like saving money on prescriptions go a long way towards allowing you to live within your means.

It might seem impossible to find cheap medications for your health needs without going through a foreign pharmacy. The good news is that there is hope on the horizon. There are multiple ways that you can start saving on prescriptions going forward.

The best news of all is that you’re in the right place to learn a bunch of helpful tips that will make getting cheap prescriptions through an online pharmacy a breeze. Keep reading this article to learn nine great tips for saving money on prescriptions.

1. Ask to Pay in Cash

Paying in cash is a great way to potentially start saving on prescriptions at your local pharmacy. Odds are that your medications will be much less expensive if you pay in cash versus paying with a credit card or debit card. It could be less expensive than paying the co-pay if you have insurance coverage.

If you go to pick up your prescription then you should ask how much it will cost with insurance coverage and how much it costs out of pocket.

2. Go Generic

Most major prescriptions have a generic alternative that you can go with. These cheap prescriptions will save you a pretty penny instead of going with the name brand. Most of these medications have the exact same active ingredients but a different name or brand attached to them.

If you’re worried about quality then you’ll be happy to learn that generic prescription medications are just as effective and safe as the name brand due to FDA regulations.

3. Have Your Prescriptions Shipped to You

Another great way to start saving money on prescriptions is to have your medicines shipped to you from an online pharmacy. There are far fewer costs that come with using online pharmacies compared to brick-and-mortar options. It is perfect for you to get your asthma prescription online and have it shipped to you for far cheaper.

Check with your healthcare provider to see if they have any partnerships with an online pharmacy. You could save significant amounts of money by going this route.

4. Go To a Big-Box Store

Many pharmacies in stores like Walmart and Target offer the same wide array of medications as your local CVS or Walgreens but at a much lower price. Do your research about your pharmacy options before you commit to spending a ton of money at a big chain pharmacy.

It is also a good idea to talk with your doctor to see if they know of any pharmacies near you that offer your prescription medications at a discount or a cheaper rate.

5. Shop Around

There are tons of pharmacies to choose from and some will offer cheaper rates for your prescriptions than others. You’ll never know this if you don’t look at all of your options and shop for the best price. Little things like doing your research and shopping for the best price will go a long way towards helping you to start saving money on prescriptions.

6. Update Your Medicare

Some people that are in need of cheap prescriptions are on Medicare. If that is the case for you then you need to look at updating your Medicare plan. It is possible that you’re using a plan that doesn’t provide the level of benefits that you need for your healthcare.

There are plans with different co-pays, deductibles, and medications that get covered. Do your research and look into the plan you have and the other plans that are available. You could start saving money on prescriptions by taking this approach to getting cheap medications.

7. Look Into Getting Assistance

There are tons of different options to check out if you’re looking for assistance with your healthcare needs. There is Medicare and there are a number of different non-profit organizations that are dedicated to helping people get cheap prescriptions. Even the pharmacies and the drug manufacturers are likely to provide assistance.

Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about any programs that they know about which could help you start saving on prescriptions. Some stores also offer assistance programs that will help you get the help and the medications that you or your loved one needs for a healthy and active life.

There are also patient assistance programs like the Zytiga Copay card that help patients with the cost of their medication. While it does not cover the cost entirely it can greatly reduce your out-of-pocket cost.

8. Buy in Bulk

It should come as no surprise that purchasing prescriptions in bulk is a great way to start saving money on prescriptions. Ask your pharmacist if it is possible to get a 90-day supply of your prescriptions rather than a 30-day supply. This will benefit you because it will eliminate two co-pays that you’d otherwise have to pay during that time period.

Make sure that you ask how much it costs to get a 90-day supply versus a 30-day supply as most pharmacies will charge you much less if you purchase in bulk.

9. Try a Sample

If your doctor wants to get you on a prescription medication then it is a good idea to ask if you can try a sample before getting prescribed. Doctors will usually be happy to give you a sample so that they know that there won’t be adverse effects.

Going with a trial run of that prescription medicine is a great way to make sure that you’re saving money on prescriptions. It will also help you decide if that medication is right for you.

Start Saving Money on Prescriptions Today

Saving money on prescriptions might seem like an impossible dream but there are certain things that you can try in order to start saving on prescriptions. Make sure that you’re exploring options like going to an online pharmacy and using assistance programs. You should also consider getting your cheap prescriptions in bulk.

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